Introducing our three Landmark missionaries: Gerald and Clara Brown, Carol and Ramon Babilonia, and C.J. and Carrla Rich. We are honored to support these families on a monthly basis. Gerald and Clara Brown have been missionaries for the past 36 years. They have carried the gospel to remote areas of India, to house churches in China, Indian villages on the Amazon River and many places in South and currently Nicaragua, Central America.The Babilonias are currently semi-retired, living in Ojai, California, where they continue to teach, lead and oversee hundreds of churches they planted in Colombia, South America. Fourteen years ago C.J. and Carrla were called to minister in Central Texas, joining the staff of Hope for the Hungry. Nine years later they were called to South Asia. Since 2002 they have ministered in Bangalore, India, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Uganda, Kenya and Mexico. You can find more information on these wonderful servants of the Lord on our Missionaries Page at http://landmarkchurch.org/missionaries-on-the-move.html
Operation Christmas Child
We participate in the Samaritan's Purse every year, which is an evangelical Christian humanitarian organization that provides aid to people in physical need as a key part of Christian missionary work. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. To find out more information go to https://www.samaritanspurse.org
Each year, Samaritan's Purse delivers millions of gift-filled shoeboxes to boys and girls all over the world. A gift to Operation Christmas Child helps cover processing and shipping expenses and allows our teams to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children and their families.
Landmark Ministries
The Landmark Bread Ministry provides FREE bread to the community, orginizes the Food Pantry and much more. You can find more information about all of our ministries at http://landmarkchurch.org/ministries.html or you can check our calendar to see what we are doing.
The clothing closet is for anyone in the church or the community who need it. Everything is wonderfully cared for and prayerfully provided - FREE.